
Craft and making education can contribute to learning and attainment across the curriculum; improving mental health and wellbeing; driving employability in a range of sectors and developing capacities to respond to the climate emergency. It can also protect Scotland’s unique craft heritage, increase appreciation for craft, and develop our talented, skilled makers of the future.

However, it is clear that the infrastructure does not yet exist to realise this potential. Through key findings and recommendations, the MAKE Learn Report, published in October 2021 and authored by Rosemary James-Beith, argues for the coordination, resources and strategy to create shared ground for the craft and education sectors to learn from each other, share best practice and resources, and develop ambitious collaborative projects, and talent development pathways.

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An interactive map of craft education in Scotland sits alongside the MAKE Learn Report, highlighting the geographical spread and variety of selected existing craft education initiatives happening across the country.

Explore education projects by location and type and get a snapshot of craft and making education, beyond the school setting, in Scotland.

The projects currently featured on the map represent a selection of initiatives highlighted by the research and more projects will be added as the map grows. If you would like to add a project or activity please get in touch at

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Case Studies

Exemplar initiatives, projects, and programmes being delivered across Scotland form a key part of the MAKE Learn Report as a series of in-depth case studies.

Together they show that craft and making is being delivered in ambitious ways, unlocking learning across the curriculum, driving engagement in learning, building transferable life skills, contributing to attainment and employability, preserving Scotland’s material heritage, developing the future craft sector, and supporting the next generation to respond to the climate emergency.

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